Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Picasso & The University of Sydney

Rarely do you hear a story of such great thought and generosity. 
 An anonymous American donor has donated an important work by Picasso
 to the University of Sydney.

  As a condition specified by the donor,  the money raised from the sale of "Jeune fille endormie" is to be used for scientific research.   

The painting from 1927, depicts the 17 year old muse Marie-Therese Walter, whom Picasso met on the streets of Paris during that period.

Picasso's 'Jeune fille endormie' 1927

After secretly spending time at the Sydney University campus while the provenance of the work was being established, the picture is now in private showings in New York and will soon be winging its way to Europe and back to London where it will be auctioned in June.

The painting as it turns out has impeccable provenance and was once owned by Walter Chrysler
( there is incidentally a photo of the Picasso and Chrysler together), and apparently only one other owner.
  Last exhibited in 1941, it is expected to fetch around $18 million.

Funds achieved from the sale will be part of the establishment of the
 University's Centre of Research into
Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease.

This wonderful act of generosity by the anonymous American donor
 (which also includes valuable jewellery) 
is obviously testament to the
exemplary research work carried out by the University of Sydney in the world context.

Picasso pic above from 'Goodbye Picasso' by David Douglas Duncan

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty amazing. Thanks for sharing. Always enjoy learning something new to do with art :)


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