Saturday, March 17, 2012

Chandelier Finds its Home!

A home really is an ongoing project. 
 And sometimes you really do have to wait until 
the 'real' thing comes along!

Do you remember a while back when I was trying to find a home for this incredible
 1950's Italian Chandelier that was saved from a long ago demolished hotel? 

Well I am pleased to inform you it has found its way to one of my lovely clients homes.
A beautiful beachfront home with an incredible central void that spans three levels.

In situ
This is just the kind of space that this extraordinary vintage chandelier of such incredible scale and distinction needed.

My client, the beautiful Karin had waited so patiently for just the right piece to come along. Finding the right piece for this particular project, with its dynamic drop, was not easy. 
 And the bare bulb was certainly not doing this space justice.

I am so pleased I was able to find this lovely beauty a home at last!

It was definitely worth the wait.

words J Watson-Evans


  1. glad you found a lovin home for this gorgeous piece of history. Another testament to your design pizzaz!

  2. I am so pleased you found a lovely client and home for this beautiful piece - isn't it wonderful when things work out like this and everyone's happy?! So NOT the hanging drums I see all over Auckland - argh! Lucky clients and thanks for sharing. Annie x.

    1. Thanks Annie!
      I was very lucky to find the right client who could accommodate this lovely piece. It was really something I worked on for about a year and it wasn't the sort of piece that could just go anywhere due to its size.

      Everybody's happy!

      JWE xx

  3. Stunning. What a lucky client to acquire this piece of gorgeousness. x Anastasia at Decor is like butter


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