Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Decorator Archive


If you happen to land here through Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest you will realise that this is an archived collection of my writings from 2010-2013 during what I like to call the 
Golden Era of Blogging.

Many bloggers like myself fell by the wayside into a sort of Blogger abyss. Work life and family somehow just took precedence over some creative pursuits.

However, so many more kept the faith and continued 'blogging' with that steely resolve of routine until the lure of the social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram with their amazing speed and efficiency were just too good to resist.

The synergy of all these platforms have enabled so many of the original Bloggers to build incredible brands, content and followers and become the INFLUENCERS that they are right now.

It is nice to remember where much of it all started. My writings on decorating, art, design and pop culture that exist here floating around in cyberspace are just a spec of creative content that continues to, I hope be of interest, relevance and a snapshot of a particular period in time.

Happy decorating, collecting, and curating!

J Watson-Evans

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


A fab new piece by WWID

I see red with this beautiful vintage Windsor

I'm calling him...... 


words and images

J Watson-Evans

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pretty in Pink

I am feeling the love for pink
Since first visiting the
 Royal Hawaiian in 1978, 
I have had a special place in my heart for this rosy hue. 

It is a particular shade of pink that gets me going. 
 I'm not talking Barbie, it's more Pink which
 has a
 suggestion of coral
The one that looks fabulous with chartreuse,
 palm green and of course, chocolate brown.

  The pink that makes you look well rested. The pink that makes even the most hungover specimen look downright peachy!

This is surely why the Royal Hawaiian Hotel 
in Waikiki and the Beverly Hills Hotel 
chose as their signature colour .... Pink

They knew that after those late night and morning breakfast
 gin fests,
 as legend has it, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton
 needed to look their best whilst basking poolside,
(dark glasses on)
 in the glow of the

words and images
J Watson-Evans

The Decorator


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